Just Elementary, Inc. » Archive
Selling a Business, Is the Inventory a Deal Killer

When selling a business that involves a significant amount of inventory, there are steps that can be taken to make the business easier to sell. What are some of the common issues that inventory creates that can be impediments to successfully closing a sale to a buyer? Too much inventory Too much inventory can cause the asset value of the business to exceed the market value of the … Read entire article »
Filed under: Business Tips
Non Compete Covenants in the Sale of a Business

During the course of negotiating a purchase and sale contract for a business, Non-Compete Covenants need to be addressed. Just for reference, Non-Compete Covenants are also referred to as Covenants Not To Compete. Let’s get down to it. What is a Non-Compete Covenant? In the case of the sale of a business, it is contractual covenant that dictates that the selling party will not compete against the buying party by opening or partnering in a competitive business. … Read entire article »
Filed under: Due Diligence, Selling A Business
Tips to make your business easier to sell or transfer to heirs or employees

If you are going to one day sell or transfer your business to heirs or employees via an E.S.O.P., then you need to consider factors that will make the business easier to transition to a qualified buyer or even your heirs. Here are 10 tips to consider. #1. Have a good lease that is reasonably assignable. If your lease is a problem, then renegotiate it. Difficult leases are a non-starter for good buyers, they don’t want an … Read entire article »
Filed under: Business Tips, Selling A Business
How to Sell a Business to an E-2 (E2) Visa Buyer

If you are the seller of a business in the United State and you are considering selling to a buyer of an E-2 (E2) visa, here are some facts that you should be aware of: What is an E Series Visa For? The E Series visas are designed for foreign nationals who wish to immigrate to the United States to conduct business. The Two Types of E Series Visas: The first is the E-1 Treaty Trader … Read entire article »
Filed under: Business Tips
Downtown Los Angeles Jewelry District Wholesale/Retail Booth For Sale

For Sale, a Booth in Jewelry Plaza in the Los Angeles Jewelry District. The business does mainly wholesale business to retailers, such as Gift Shops. The business has been in operation by the current owner for over 25 years at the same location. Rent currently is $1,400. Buyer to negotiate a new lease. The booth is open on Saturdays to take advantage of retail customer traffic. The building has three plazas of booths, and the … Read entire article »
Filed under: Business Opportunity For Sale