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Negotiating Lease Permitted Use Clauses

In a retail commercial lease, an often overlooked part of negotiating the retail lease terms is the Permitted Use clause. What are some elements of a Permitted Use Clause? Exclusive Permitted Use Keeping competitive businesses out of the retail center that you are in is important, so you want to have specific and hopefully, exclusive use rights for the shopping center. What this means is you want to negotiate as specific of an exclusive use clause as you can … Read entire article »
Filed under: Commercial Leasing
Negotiating Lease Assignment Clauses for the Sale of a Business

An often overlooked and under-negotiated clause in any commercial lease is the lease assignment clause. No matter how long your lease is, and how long you plan to maintain ownership of the business, you need to negotiate a good lease assignment clause for proper exit strategy planning. What are some common things to consider in a lease assignment clause? Lease Assignment Fee Landlords will usually write into leases a fee for their time and consideration of your request … Read entire article »
Filed under: Commercial Leasing, Landlord, Negotiation, Selling A Business
Basics of Applying for Lines of Credit, Working Capital & Business Acquisition Loans

Trying to get a Working Capital Loan, Line of Credit of Business Acquisition Loan? There are a lot of erroneous perceptions among business people about which facts, figures and terms are important in getting a loan and which bank to get loans from. If you are just starting out in business, one possible benefit from banking with a smaller community bank that is that you will be a bigger fish in a smaller pond, and you will … Read entire article »
Filed under: Business Tips, SBA