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Pet Grooming Business For Sale in Los Angeles County

Established pet grooming business for sale in La Mirada, California in Los Angeles County near the border of Orange County. This pet grooming business has been established since 2010. Business is owner operated, and for sale due to serious health issue. Facility is located in large shopping center that features franchise businesses and is anchored by a big box grocery store. The business is currently open five days on a Tuesday through Saturday schedule. The … Read entire article »
Filed under: Business Opportunity For Sale
Business Valuation & Negotiation Lessons from Shark Tank Mo’s Bows, Rugged Maniacs, Crio Bru, Cerebral Success, Marz Sprays

Getting pitched on Shark Tank is a supplement business called Cerebral Success. The entrepreneur behind Cerebral Success is Trevor Hiltbrand, who hails from Provo, Utah. Hiltbrand created Cerebral Success to help him with college. He wanted to be able to maintain clarity and focus while studying, and he wanted to stay away from abusing prescription drugs. So, he created his own formula and called it Cerebral Success. Cerebral Success does have a list of ingredients … Read entire article »
Filed under: Business Tips
Difference Between Goodwill & Blue Sky in regards to business valuations

The terms Goodwill and Blue Sky are often used interchangeably. A primary reasons for this is that it is assumed that they are the same thing. For practical purposes, in regards to business valuations, there is a distinction between the two terms. Goodwill: Let’s start with Goodwill. A conventional definition of Goodwill would be the amount of money paid for an on-going business beyond its book value. A simple example is a business that has $600,000 in tangible … Read entire article »
Filed under: Business Valuation
Business Valuation & Negotiation Lessons from Shark Tank Fort Magic, Ilumi, Wine Doctor, Zoobean & Breathometer

Wine related products have been a popular item to see pitched on the Shark Tank. Chase Hoyt from Los Angeles, pitches his wine accessory called the Wine Doctor to the Sharks. Wine Doctor is a prodcut that can be used to preserve open bottles of wine. But, Wine Doctor can also be used to preserve other products such as Olive Oil. The Wine Doctor is a silicon cork with a vacuum pump that removes air … Read entire article »
Filed under: Business Tips
Business Lessons from Shark Tank Power Pot, Ava the Elephant, Quick Stop Fire Sprinkler Tools, Fun Time Express Electric Trains, Taylor Robinson Music

Is it possible to generate electricity using fire and water simultaneously to charge a portable electronic device? Yes, it is thanks to Power Pot. The creators of Power Pot are Caleb Light and David Toledo who run the business from Salt Lake City, Utah. Power Pots are a portable kit that can be used to heat water used to prepare food while engaged in activities such as camping. Power Pots use the excess heat generated … Read entire article »
Filed under: Business Tips
Business Lessons from Shark Tank Happy Feet Womens Shape Wear Velocity Signs Bean Bag Beds & Lord Nut Levington’s Flavored Peanuts

Pitching the Shark Tank on his flavored peanut snack business is Sanjiv Patel from Dallas Texas by way of London Texas. The business is called Lord Nut’s peanuts and sports an irreverent ‘mascot’ in Lord Levington. Lord Nut peanuts come in six flavors, and are available online and in stores. Sanjiv Patel was a part of the management team that oversaw the sale of Stacy’s Pita Chips to a major manufacturer, so it’s clear that … Read entire article »
Filed under: Business Tips