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Shark Tank Valuation and Negotiation Lessons Myself Belts, BeardBrand, Titin Tech, Singtrix & Grace and Lace Update

Pitching a line of cute belts for kids is Talia Goldfarb from St. Loius Missouri. Goldfarb decided to create the line of belts for young kids as her child was potty training and wanted to do everything himself, but had trouble with his belt buckle. Goldfarb couldn’t find any convenient belts for 2 year olds, so she decided to make some of her own, and thus was born the line of belts she called Myself … Read entire article »
Filed under: Business Tips
Are Starter Coin Laundries a Good Investment?

What does the term ‘starter’ coin laundry mean when you see an advertisement of a coin laundry business for sale? The sellers and brokers who advertise those businesses for sale want it to sound like a small, safe, simple, easy to run investment that involves less invested money put at risk. However, the truth is that smaller coin laundry businesses don’t have the economy of scale to outsource work. Meaning, you will have to be … Read entire article »
Filed under: Business Opportunity For Sale
Business Valuation & Negotiation Lessons from Shark Tank Breathometer, EmergenSee, HoneyFund, Oilerie, Beatbox Beverages

Getting a second update segment on Shark Tank is Charles Michael Yim, who successfully pitched Breathometer to the Sharks and got a deal from pretty much every shark on the panel. If you don’t remember what Breathometer is, well, it’s a device that tests the Blood Alcohol Level of a person with the help of a smartphone. The Breathometer unit plugs into the headphone jack of compatible smartphones. The product was in the pre-order phase at the time the … Read entire article »
Filed under: Business Tips
Are you the right fit for a particular franchise you meet at the West Coast Franchise Expo in Anaheim

Franchise expos, such as the West Coast Franchise Expo, are a great place to check out a bunch of franchises and see which ones you think are good businesses. Some franchisor exhibitors bring key staff you can meet, such as the founder or the current CEO. These are important people to meet, so you can get a feel for their philosophy on growing the brand and how to treat franchisees. Mostly though, you will be … Read entire article »
Filed under: Franchises
Business Valuation & Negotiation Lessons from Shark Tank Sun-staches, Jungle JumpaRoom Red Dress Boutique, The Caddy Girls

Pitching the Shark Tank some costume fun are a trip from Los Angeles with a business called Sun-staches. Sun-staches are whimsical costume sunglasses that feature some clever designs, such as goofy eyes, pirate faces, and many varieties of fake mustaches. Dan Gerson, David Levich, and Eric Liberman are the co-creators of Sun-staches. Sun-staches are available in brick and mortar and sold online. With brick and mortar distribution in place, expect some strong revenue figures. If … Read entire article »
Filed under: Business Tips