Just Elementary, Inc. » Business Tips
Shark Tank Business Valuation and Negotiation Lessons Brand Yourself, iCPooch, Bee Sweet Lemonade, The Home T Shirt

There are numerous stories of people having their name or reputation affected by online search results. The same can be said for businesses. Pitching a business that helps people improve their name and reputation online is Brand Yourself. Brand Yourself is different from other ‘online reputation management’ companies in that they advise clients to be proactive with their online reputation instead of being reactionary. Hence, they call themselves Brand Yourself, since they offer users an … Read entire article »
Filed under: Business Tips
Shark Tank Business Valuation & Negotiation Lessons Lumi Photo Transfer Kit, Sseko Designs, Boobypack, Gold Rush Nugget Bucket & Paint Brush Cover Update

Do it yourself kits are always popular with folks who want to get creative and express themselves. Pitching a unique solar powered kit to transfer photos to t shirts and other fabrics is Jesse Genet. Genet’s business is called Lumi. What Lumi is a kit that is available in multiple dye colors and simply requires exposure to direct sunlight to effect the transfer. The transfer takes ten to thirty minutes depending on how bright the … Read entire article »
Filed under: Business Tips
Shark Tank Business Valuation and Negotiation Lessons Lumio, TurboPup, Bello Verde, Hold Your Haunches

Another good industry to innovate in is the pet industry. Kristina Guerrero pitches the Shark Tank her product called the TurboPup. TurboPup is a line of meal replacement energy bars for dogs. Guerrero created was inspired to create TurboPup during long outdoor adventures when she would snack on energy bars, but didn’t have a simple solution to feed her dog. This product is definitely geared towards folks who adventure with their dogs. The sharks will … Read entire article »
Filed under: Business Tips
Shark Tank Business Valuation & Negotiation Lessons – SkinnyShirts, Bantam Bagels, Coffee Meets Bagels, Doorman & Hamboards Update

The market for apparel items that shape and slim the body is obviously very large, as shown by the huge success that Spanx is. Pitching the Shark Tank an shaping and slimming line of apparel is Julie Kalimian. Kalamian calls her line of clothes Skinny Shirt. Skinny Shirt shirts are combination of a collared shirt up top with a body of cami. So the bottom portion of the shirt which covers the abdominal area is snug to … Read entire article »
Filed under: Business Tips
Business Valuation and Negotiation Lessons from Shark Tank Gameday Couture, Zipz Wine, SWAG Essentials, Biaggi Folding Luggage, Scrub Daddy, Drop Stop, Screenmend, FiberFix, Readerest & FiberFix

Bringing back memories of Copa Di Vino will be the Shark Tank pitch from J. Henry Scott. Scott’s company is is called Zipz Wine. Zipz Wine offers a single serve container of wine that has a few interesting innovations. Among the interesting twists to the Zipz Wine containers are that they are shaped like a regular glass of wine, that the lid can act as a coaster once it is opened, and that the plastic … Read entire article »
Filed under: Business Tips
Shark Tank Business Valuation & Negotiation Lessons Kitchen Safe Time Locking Containers, Earthlog, Magic Cook, Off the Cob Chips & Tipsy Elves Ugly Christmas Sweaters

Tasty junk food is hard to resist. An entire package of cookies, candies or chips can disappear in one sitting, even if they are meant to last much longer. Aiming to rectify this problem are David Krippendorf and Ryan Tseng. The duo pitch the Shark Tank a product called Kitchen Safe. Kitchen Safe is a food storage jar that has a locking lid that is operated with a timer. Set a timer and the container can’t … Read entire article »
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Shark Tank Business Valuation and Negotiation Lessons Pipcorn, Squatty Potty, Heidi Ho Vegan Cheese, Storm Stoppers

Popcorn is a beloved snack for a lot of people. But, there is the matter of the annoying hull that gets stuck between teeth and in the gumline. Well, a pair of siblings Jeff Martin and Jennifer Martin pitch the Shark Tank their product that reduces the aforementioned problem. Pipcorn is the product that the Martin duo pitch to the Shark Tank. Pipcorn is made from hairloom corn, which has smaller kernels than the kernels used … Read entire article »
Filed under: Business Tips
Corporate Contractors License for Sale in California

Available for immediate sale is a new California Contractor’s license with many classifications, which you can see below. Simplifying the transition of this license is the fact that it is a corporate license. This means that the holding corporation of this contractor license is for sale via a stock sale transfer, which can be verified during Due Diligence. A stock sale can be facilitated within a matter of a few days, which mean the acquiring … Read entire article »
Filed under: Business Tips, Contractors
Shark Tank Valuation and Negotiation Lessons Myself Belts, BeardBrand, Titin Tech, Singtrix & Grace and Lace Update

Pitching a line of cute belts for kids is Talia Goldfarb from St. Loius Missouri. Goldfarb decided to create the line of belts for young kids as her child was potty training and wanted to do everything himself, but had trouble with his belt buckle. Goldfarb couldn’t find any convenient belts for 2 year olds, so she decided to make some of her own, and thus was born the line of belts she called Myself … Read entire article »
Filed under: Business Tips
Business Valuation & Negotiation Lessons from Shark Tank Breathometer, EmergenSee, HoneyFund, Oilerie, Beatbox Beverages

Getting a second update segment on Shark Tank is Charles Michael Yim, who successfully pitched Breathometer to the Sharks and got a deal from pretty much every shark on the panel. If you don’t remember what Breathometer is, well, it’s a device that tests the Blood Alcohol Level of a person with the help of a smartphone. The Breathometer unit plugs into the headphone jack of compatible smartphones. The product was in the pre-order phase at the time the … Read entire article »
Filed under: Business Tips
Business Valuation & Negotiation Lessons from Shark Tank Sun-staches, Jungle JumpaRoom Red Dress Boutique, The Caddy Girls

Pitching the Shark Tank some costume fun are a trip from Los Angeles with a business called Sun-staches. Sun-staches are whimsical costume sunglasses that feature some clever designs, such as goofy eyes, pirate faces, and many varieties of fake mustaches. Dan Gerson, David Levich, and Eric Liberman are the co-creators of Sun-staches. Sun-staches are available in brick and mortar and sold online. With brick and mortar distribution in place, expect some strong revenue figures. If … Read entire article »
Filed under: Business Tips
H.R. – Human Resource Questions for Small & Medium Sized businesses in regards to on going operations and Exit Strategy Planning

Tami Wiersma, PHR, the President at QCHR, Inc. based in Brea, California is kind enough to answer common questions that business owners have when it comes to H.R. issues with operating their business. QCHR, Inc. is a full service Human Resources Consulting firm in Brea, CA. Q: The employee handbook has not been updated in a while, how often should it be updated? A current employee handbook is the foundation of communication within a company and should … Read entire article »
Filed under: Business Tips, Selling A Business
Ramification of Depreciation Expense and Schedule in the Sale of a Business

There are many reasons a profitable business doesn’t show as much profit on the tax returns as the business actually generates, one of those reasons that will be highlighted here is depreciation. Depreciation is a ‘non-cash’ expense recorded on a tax return that reduces the taxable profit of a business. Depreciation is a write off associated with the capital expenditure on tangible assets. Tangible assets would be physical equipment used to conduct business including what is … Read entire article »
Filed under: Business Tips
Credit Card Processing FAQs, Navigating Tiered Rates, Long Term Contracts, Equipment Leases and more

Choosing a credit card processing company can be a tricky process for a new business, and even trickier to switch credit card processing companies for an existing business. There are a lot things to consider, which can end up being very confusing, which can lead to expensive mistakes. Stephen Ronnow, Merchant Services Consultant & Broker, is a veteran of the merchant services industry, answers common questions regarding merchant services to help with informed decision making. Is it better … Read entire article »
Filed under: Business Tips
Is your short lease term affecting the sale of your business

If you are planning on retiring or leaving your business soon, having just a short time remaining on your lease can give you a feeling of freedom, since you see the light at the end of tunnel. However, what about selling your business to a buyer? Will having very little lease term remaining be an issue? Yes, in most situations it will be an issue. For a buyer to complete the purchase of a business, … Read entire article »
Filed under: Business Tips, Commercial Leasing
Business Valuation & Negotiation Lessons from Shark Tank Baker’s Edge, Tie-Not, BZBox & Foot Fairy

Matthew Griffin & Emily Griffin enter the Shark Tank to pitch their business called Baker’s Edge. The Griffins wanted to take baking to another level, so they created their first product which is a baking pan for brownies that is designed to maximize the ‘edge’ and ‘corner’ pieces in a rectangular pan. As you can see in the image, the design of the pan has an open layout of walls inside to increase surface contact … Read entire article »
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Business Valuation & Negotiation Lessons from Shark Tank Bon Affair Wine Spritzer, Oru folding Kayak, Cinnaholic and Cousin’s Maine Lobster update

For those who like to drink wine but would like fewer calories, lower alcoholic content and less dehydration, there is a product being pitched on Shark Tank that fits the bill. It’s called Bon Affair and it is a wine spritzer being pitched by Jayla Siciliano from hails from Solana Beach, California. Siciliano enjoyed wine but found it hard to enjoy frequently due to a hectic schedule as she needed to be full of energy … Read entire article »
Filed under: Business Tips
Business Valuation and Negotiation Lessons from Shark Tank featuring GrooveBook update, HangEase, Susty Party, Angellift & The Bouqs Co.

Eco friendly products and business are getting more and more attention as consumer awareness of sustainability. Pitching the Shark Tank a sustainable party supplies business are Jessica Holsey and Emily Doubilet from Brooklyn, New York. Holsey & Doubilet call their business Susty Party. They were inspired to create Susty Party after attending countless parties that used disposable products that were not easily recycle-able. Holsey & Doubilet claim that their Susty Party products are non toxic, compostable … Read entire article »
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Business Valuation & Negotiation Lessons from Shark Tank Mo’s Bows, Rugged Maniacs, Crio Bru, Cerebral Success, Marz Sprays

Getting pitched on Shark Tank is a supplement business called Cerebral Success. The entrepreneur behind Cerebral Success is Trevor Hiltbrand, who hails from Provo, Utah. Hiltbrand created Cerebral Success to help him with college. He wanted to be able to maintain clarity and focus while studying, and he wanted to stay away from abusing prescription drugs. So, he created his own formula and called it Cerebral Success. Cerebral Success does have a list of ingredients … Read entire article »
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