Just Elementary, Inc. » Franchises
Established Young Rembrandts Franchise Business for Sale in Southern California

Franchise Childrens Art Classes business for sale in Southern California. This Young Remebrandts franchise does not require artistic ability to operate. The classes, as the classes are taught by employees. The franchise territory is in the general vicinity of North Orange County and parts of Southeast LA County). The business is operating at approximately 15% of capacity based on the number of schools and municipal facilities in the designated territory. This business is run from … Read entire article »
Filed under: Business Opportunity For Sale, Franchises
Are you the right fit for a particular franchise you meet at the West Coast Franchise Expo in Anaheim

Franchise expos, such as the West Coast Franchise Expo, are a great place to check out a bunch of franchises and see which ones you think are good businesses. Some franchisor exhibitors bring key staff you can meet, such as the founder or the current CEO. These are important people to meet, so you can get a feel for their philosophy on growing the brand and how to treat franchisees. Mostly though, you will be … Read entire article »
Filed under: Franchises
Are Menchie’s Frozen Yogurt Franchise Stores a Good Investment?

For those of you who just saw Menchie’s Frozen Yogurt on CBS’ Undercover Boss, you may be wondering if becoming a franchise owner is the right thing for you? There are many factors to consider when investing in ANY franchise business. First of all, you have to decide between a retail business versus a B2B (Business to Business) business. Retail businesses involve leasing or buying retail commercial real estate, and also operating on Retail Hours … Read entire article »
Filed under: Franchises
Marketing Genius behind Menchies Frozen Yogurt Franchises Frozen Yougurt Stores

As you may be aware, Frozen Yogurt is a competitive industry. There are many brands out there from PinkBerry, Cherry On Top, Yogurtland, Golden Spoon and more including the countless independent brands that are out there. So standing out from the competition is vital for success. It was previously discussed how Menchie’s Frozen Yogurt brands themselves to stand out, and how they utilize a unique store design to streamline operations. This article will discuss the … Read entire article »
Filed under: Franchises
Investing in a new franchise business – The Process & Challenges including Site Selection

Choosing to invest in a franchise business by opening new units is a different process from buying existing franchise units. There are greater upsides to opening new units, but with that comes greater risk. Your appetite for risk isn’t the only factor to consider when deciding between buying an existing franchise unit or opening a new. The other factor to consider is immediate cash flow. Know that opening a new franchise unit means accepting the … Read entire article »
Filed under: Franchises
Menchie’s Frozen Yogurt Franchise Business Design & Layout

An advantage of the self service frozen yogurt industry is that the customer provides the labor in regards to preparing their bowl. This means that in comparison to other concepts that have the employees behind a counter preparing dishes and bowls for customers, self service frozen yogurt concepts such as Menchie’s Frozen Yogurt stores require far less labor to operate. Fewer employee hours required to operate a store translates to a lower payroll. Lower payroll … Read entire article »
Filed under: Franchises
Menchie’s Frozen Yogurt Franchise Business Branding Philosophy

Are you curious about the Frozen Yogurt Franchise Industry in regards to investing in one either by purchasing an existing location or building a new one? Here is information with editorial commentary on one of the frozen yogurt franchise brands known as Menchie’s frozen yogurt. In business there are two types of products on the market, the commoditized product that is traded primarily on lowest price and wide availability, and the premium product traded at premium … Read entire article »
Filed under: Franchises
Preparing to Sell a Franchise Business

Preparing to sell a business involves many steps. General Exit Strategy topics are covered in other articles on the website. This post will discuss the specifics of Selling a Franchise Business. To sell a business requires many steps and events to occur. With so many points to cover in a business sale transaction, it’s important to note that any one item can unravel a transaction and leave a business seller alone at the altar. Preparing … Read entire article »
Filed under: Franchises
Process of How to Buy Existing Resale Franchise Units

See below the video for a bullet point summary of the video Selecting the Right Franchise to Invest in: Does the franchise concept suit your skill set? Retail versus B2B (Business to Business) demand different skills and personality traits to successfully operate. Even different retail businesses require different skills and strengths, so make sure to choose a franchise that suits who you are. Do you meet the financial qualifications of the Franchisor? Most Franchises have clearly minimum Total Net Worth & … Read entire article »
Filed under: Franchises
Basics about Franchising, Is It Right For You & Choosing the Right Franchise to Invest In

A lot goes into deciding which franchise business is the right one to invest in. One large ‘if’ is if a Franchise business is even the right type of business to start or invest in for you. A lot foes into the decision, and here are some items for you to consider when deciding which, if any, franchise business is the right one for you. The video below contains a brief discussion of franchise businesses, and … Read entire article »
Filed under: Franchises
Rent A Grandma Franchise Question and Answer with Todd Pliss

Todd Pliss, the Franchisor of Rent A Grandma was kind enough to answer some question about the business just before the episode of Shark Tank featuring him and his business was due to air on ABC. Just Elementary: Rent A Grandma has been written up in articles from the Christian Science Monitor, ABC News, Entrepreneur Magazine, Hispanic Business, to NPR. How has the publicity from them benefitted the business? Were there any surprises to people’s reactions from those … Read entire article »
Filed under: Franchises
Straw Hat Pizza Location For Sale in City of Orange California

Attention Bargain Hunters! Hot off the presses, or more like, fresh from the oven, is an Asset Sale opportunity for a Straw Hat Pizza unit in the City of Orange in Southern California. The unit is in possession of Straw Hat Restaurants, Inc. the Corporate entity of the Franchisor. The unit just closed down for business, and is being offered at $10,000 plus Franchise Agreement Fee of $35,000. This is a Fully built out restaurant space that is ready … Read entire article »
Filed under: Business Opportunity For Sale, Franchises
Fatburger Troubles lead to an Opportunity for QSR Experienced Operators
Following along on our recent series of posts regarding franchises and bankruptcy, we share some news about Fatburger. Fatburger is a chain QSRs that serves up juicy burgers and fries with a fun vibe. Corporate locations in California and Nevada have been struggling since at least 2009, when two of Fatburger’s subsidiaries filed for bankruptcy protection. Just recently, as part of the restructuring efforts, 26 of the California and Nevada locations are up for sale through National Franchise Sales. What does this mean if you are interested. Well, number one, are you an experienced QSR operator? Number two, can you close quickly and come up with sufficient capital? If, you answer yes to both questions, then you have a good shot at picking up one or more locations. The likely … Read entire article »
Filed under: Franchises
Ramifications of Round Table Pizza’s filed Bankruptcy, What to expect based on lessons learned from past franchisors who filed for Bankruptcy

You may have heard that Round Table Pizza, the Franchisor, has recently filed for bankruptcy. What does this mean for the brand, franchisees and it’s customers? In looking back at past situations that share similaraties, it is not all dire news. Two such examples are Schlotzsky’s in 2004 and Togo’s from around the same time. Schlotzsky’s was a publicly listed company when it filed for bankruptcy in August of 2004. After changing hands a couple of … Read entire article »
Filed under: Business Tips, Franchises
Purchase Price Asset Allocation

In buying or selling any business, franchise or not, both the buyer and seller have to agree upon an Purchase Price Asset Allocation. What exactly is a Purchase Price Allocation? When buying a business as an Asset Sale transaction, the purchase price needs to be divvied up and allocated to all of the assets being transferred from the seller and buyer. Examples of Assets that need to be allocated: Franchise Agreement (intangible) Goodwill (intangible) Customer List (intangible) Covenant Not to Compete (intangible) Trade … Read entire article »
Filed under: Franchises
Pitfalls of Buying an Existing Franchise Business

There are a lot of benefits to buying an existing franchise business. However, in this post we will cover some drawbacks that pertain to acquiring an existing franchise business. Having an extra party in the process, that being the seller of the existing location. Never underestimate how much extra work it is to negotiate, and by adding the existing owner as another party to … Read entire article »
Filed under: Business Tips, Due Diligence, Franchises
Tale of a Closed Round Table Pizza

Franchises aren’t all fun and games and wild beyond imagination riches. The road to financial freedom and family happiness is littered with former franchisees who have lost everything, or at the very least lost something, like the following tale of the owner of a North Orange County Round Table Pizza. This particular Round Table unit was open many years and was a popular fixture in the community. The longtime owner had decided to sell after many … Read entire article »
Filed under: Business Tips, Franchises
Failed Franchises Measured by SBA Loan Failure Rates

Sounds like strong language. Thanks to our friends at thefranchisehound.com we have a list of SBA Loan Failure Rates for loans doled out to franchised businesses. An important disclaimer is that the list is not the actual failure rates of franchisees for a the listed franchises, it is only a list of SBA Loans gone bad that were given to franchisees of the franchises. Note that even 3 of 14 SBA loans to McDonald’s franchisees … Read entire article »
Filed under: Franchises, SBA