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CABB OC Chapter Meeting 9-28-10

CABB OC Chapter Meeting 9-28-10

I skipped today’s RIAOC meeting today due to a conflict with the CABB O.C. Chapter Meeting today.  It was nice to catch up with a few Business Brokers that I had not talked to recently.  Key takeaways from the meeting are that loans are happening for business acquisitions, but the adherence to criteria is a must.  Namely, the experience criterion. Today, we were told that a buyer was able to secure an SBA loan for a … Read entire article »

Filed under: Business Tips, SBA


When reading online you may come across a plethora of acronyms and real estate terms that sound familiar, but you don’t know what they mean.   Here are some Common Commercial Real Estate Terms: Leasing Related Terms: NNN: This is referred to as ‘Triple Net.’  This is a commercial leasing term that refers to leases in which the Lessee (tenant) pays the operating expenses of the property.  In a full Triple Net lease, all of the operating expenses will be paid by the tenants, including, but not limited to, real property taxes, property maintenance (including the parking lot) and even the cost of the management company managing the property for the Lessor (Owner).  Thus, in a NNN lease, the tenant pays a fixed Base Rent, and then pays additional NNN fees to … Read entire article »

Filed under: Business Tips, Real Estate Tips

ICSC Ontario Coming Up

Don’t forget, ICSC is having it’s next Southern California meeting on October 14, 2010 in Ontario.  This particular meeting will focus on the retail leasing market and the trends that have been resulting in successful new leases being written.  Chief reason for sure has to be the significant reduction in NNN leasing rates, which as we know went through the roof as the vacancy rates hovered at historic lows from the early part of this decade through 2008.  Let’s see what other factors that have led to greater success in leasing transactions come out at this meeting.  I’ll post what comes out.  In the meanwhile get your Registration Form right here so you can see me there. … Read entire article »

Filed under: Uncategorized

RIAOC 9-21-2010

RIAOC 9-21-2010

Today was part of the Nick Lieberman interview series with Martin Brewer. Brewer happens to have been an integral part of the Irvine Company for many years in the Public relations department.  He had some good insight into the Orange County Development market, which he shared with us at today’s regular RIAOC meeting. An interesting nugget that came to light was that historically The Irvine Company expected new home sales to increase whenever interest rates first began … Read entire article »

Filed under: Uncategorized

West Coast Franchise Expo

Been wondering how to make it BIG TIME in business.  One way is to own and operate a Scalable business.  Some franchise concepts lend themselves well to being a scalable concept.  The West Coast Franchise Expo is coming up in less than two months.  I have been to it the last two years and I recommend it highly.  There are typically quite a few franchisors that are exhibitors at the show, the vast majority of which from whom you can get a lot of insight.   Also, you can be in control of your experience there, as you can talk to whichever Franchisors you want for as long oas you want.  Definitely make sure to review the list of franchisor exhibitors and do some homework on them, so you can ask informed … Read entire article »

Filed under: Franchises

Free Standing Fast Food Retail Property for Sale

Just listed and freshly put on the open market is a Fast Food Drive Through Restaurant Space that is Free Standing.   Approximately a 3,000 square foot building on an approximately 15,000 square foot lot.  The shopping center is anchored by a Major Brand Grocery Store.   The Real Estate is offered for sale at $1,750,000.  Please inquire for more details.  The seller is motivated.  The property has plenty of parking surrounding it.  Parking has never been a problem for the property except for the Day before Thanksgiving and the day before Christmas when the Grocery Store is attracting a throng of last minute shoppers.  Call now (322) 213-9193 for more detail, email or submit an inquiry on the form at the bottom of the home page.  Brochure on the … Read entire article »

Filed under: Business Opportunity For Sale

Applying for a Lease

Here are some basic rules to keep in mind when applying for a lease of a commercial property. #1.  Have a Business Plan.  This is much easier if you are buying an existing business.  If not, Be prepared to justify all the things you make up in the business plan. #2.  Have a Credit Report Ready.  The landlord wants to know if you have a habit of making payments on time.  Because if you don’t, they’ll know that they are setting themselves up for trouble.  If you do have blemishes on your credit report, well, ask yourself why.  If the reason is good, such as lost a job or unforeseen medical bills, then write a detailed explanation and INCLUDE it with the Credit Report when submitting a package to the Landlord.  If … Read entire article »

Filed under: Commercial Leasing

When is a Deal a Deal?

Make sure to actually sign a finalized contract, and do it quickly.  So many transactions start off with a Letter of Intent (LOI), or some variation of it.  After the initial LOI, a flurry of counter proposals or LOIs can pile up.  At the end of the day, you could end up wasting a lot of time.  Somebody who isn’t a client of mine, but I met the other day, told me his tale.  He spent 20 days going back and forth with a landlord about a lease via proposals and counter proposals on a Second Generation Retail Space.  Well, Lo and Behold, after the LOIs are finally agreed upon, the potential lessee eases up and does not request for an actual draft lease for two days.  In the meanwhile, … Read entire article »

Filed under: Uncategorized

Buy a Low Basis (Distressed Assets)

You want to Buy low, so You can be like the Cowboy on the Right and Ride the Market Up to Sell High. And YES, This is the Market to BUY BUY BUY. If you are a CASH buyer with good credit and a solid track record then banks will talk to you.  Banks are sitting on a LOT of Distressed Assets in their portfolio.  They need to get rid of them as quickly as possible, at about the same speed we want to get rid of migraines. All Types of Assets from Commercial Real Estate, Residential Investment Properties to Small Businesses are available  If you have the CASH.  Banks want to talk to you.  Of course, they want it to be a quick conversation, along the lines of: Bank: “Mr. Buyer, … Read entire article »

Filed under: Business Tips

HOT or NOT? Buy Now Or Forever Hold Your Peace!

Well, it is not quite that simple.  The most likely market trends for the next 3-5 years is FLAT.  Hopefully not a Flat-Line.  There are three kinds of markets I can think of, #1 HOT, #2 Imploding Crashing Markets and #3 the flat & boring market.  So, probably not a good idea to buy while the markets are still crashing like Fine China falling from a Display Case. Also, it is a risky proposition to extend a lot of leverage in a hot market, lest your exit strategy be too long and you get stuck holding asset(s) into a Crashing market.  Thus, if we are now finally into the beginning of the LONG, Flat and Boring Portion of the Market, then it is time to buy all the assets that you … Read entire article »

Filed under: Business Tips