Just Elementary, Inc. » Entries tagged with "Bank"
Basics of Applying for Lines of Credit, Working Capital & Business Acquisition Loans

Trying to get a Working Capital Loan, Line of Credit of Business Acquisition Loan? There are a lot of erroneous perceptions among business people about which facts, figures and terms are important in getting a loan and which bank to get loans from. If you are just starting out in business, one possible benefit from banking with a smaller community bank that is that you will be a bigger fish in a smaller pond, and you will … Read entire article »
Filed under: Business Tips, SBA
Gilmore Bank Mixer 10-14-10
Some interesting nuggets came from the Gilmore Bank Mixer held at their branch location at the Grove/Farmer’s Market in Los Angeles. Number one, for those of you who don’t know, Gilmore banks owns the Real Estate that the Grove is developed upon. It is on a long term land lease to Rick Caruso’s company. Number two, Jim Roby and Cyrus Greene, both Gilmore associates involved in commercial lending, noted that of the applicants that they are reviewing for SBA loans, they have noticed an increase in 2010 revenues and profits over 2009 figures. Of course, this doesn’t mean all companies are experiencing a better 2010 over 2009, just that struggling companies may not bother to even apply for a virtually guaranteed no. Here is the one nugget to really take … Read entire article »
Filed under: Business Tips, SBA