Just Elementary, Inc. » Entries tagged with "CordaRoys Bean Bag Bed"
Business Lessons from Shark Tank Happy Feet Womens Shape Wear Velocity Signs Bean Bag Beds & Lord Nut Levington’s Flavored Peanuts

Pitching the Shark Tank on his flavored peanut snack business is Sanjiv Patel from Dallas Texas by way of London Texas. The business is called Lord Nut’s peanuts and sports an irreverent ‘mascot’ in Lord Levington. Lord Nut peanuts come in six flavors, and are available online and in stores. Sanjiv Patel was a part of the management team that oversaw the sale of Stacy’s Pita Chips to a major manufacturer, so it’s clear that … Read entire article »
Filed under: Business Tips
Negotiation & Business Valuation Lessons from Shark Tank Cellhelment CordaRoys Bean Bag Beds Tower Paddle Boards Baby Loves Dance Lose 12 inches

There are plenty of mobile phone accessories, but are there any truly revolutionary products out there? Cellhelmet was pitched in the Shark Tank. Cellhelmet was founded by three people, Mike Kane, Brian McHenry and Dave Artuso. The trio are from Pittsburgh, so we’ll expect a little shout out between them and Mark Cuban who is also from Western Pennsylvania. What Cellhelmet does to differentiate itself from other mobile phone accessories is to offer accidental damage coverage. … Read entire article »
Filed under: Business Tips