Just Elementary, Inc. » Entries tagged with "ESOP"
Tips to make your business easier to sell or transfer to heirs or employees

If you are going to one day sell or transfer your business to heirs or employees via an E.S.O.P., then you need to consider factors that will make the business easier to transition to a qualified buyer or even your heirs. Here are 10 tips to consider. #1. Have a good lease that is reasonably assignable. If your lease is a problem, then renegotiate it. Difficult leases are a non-starter for good buyers, they don’t want an … Read entire article »
Filed under: Business Tips, Selling A Business
Small Business Exit Strategy Planning

When you are ready to retire and run off into the sunset, your business will have three possible outcomes: Going out of business, transferring to heirs/employees, or being merged/sold to a buyer. Going out of business at best yields liquidation value for the business, which is usually pennies on the dollar. The upside to going out of business, is that you won’t incur any future liabilities in warranties, employer obligations etc. Though it isn’t much of … Read entire article »
Filed under: Selling A Business