Just Elementary, Inc. » Entries tagged with "Franchising"
Buying a Menchie’s Frozen Yogurt Franchise Business

When investigating franchises to invest in, there are many factors. Two of which are the marketing/branding philosophy of the franchise and the time and expense of the build out of process of the storefront. This post will cover the Menchie’s Frozen Yogurt franchise from the perspective of the franchisee. Below are two videos that individually discuss the marketing philosophy of Menchie’s Frozen Yogurt franchise stores and the design/build out of a Menchie’s store. In short, the main thrust of … Read entire article »
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Are you the right fit for a particular franchise you meet at the West Coast Franchise Expo in Anaheim

Franchise expos, such as the West Coast Franchise Expo, are a great place to check out a bunch of franchises and see which ones you think are good businesses. Some franchisor exhibitors bring key staff you can meet, such as the founder or the current CEO. These are important people to meet, so you can get a feel for their philosophy on growing the brand and how to treat franchisees. Mostly though, you will be … Read entire article »
Filed under: Franchises
Are Menchie’s Frozen Yogurt Franchise Stores a Good Investment?

For those of you who just saw Menchie’s Frozen Yogurt on CBS’ Undercover Boss, you may be wondering if becoming a franchise owner is the right thing for you? There are many factors to consider when investing in ANY franchise business. First of all, you have to decide between a retail business versus a B2B (Business to Business) business. Retail businesses involve leasing or buying retail commercial real estate, and also operating on Retail Hours … Read entire article »
Filed under: Franchises
Marketing Genius behind Menchies Frozen Yogurt Franchises Frozen Yougurt Stores

As you may be aware, Frozen Yogurt is a competitive industry. There are many brands out there from PinkBerry, Cherry On Top, Yogurtland, Golden Spoon and more including the countless independent brands that are out there. So standing out from the competition is vital for success. It was previously discussed how Menchie’s Frozen Yogurt brands themselves to stand out, and how they utilize a unique store design to streamline operations. This article will discuss the … Read entire article »
Filed under: Franchises
Menchie’s Frozen Yogurt Franchise Business Design & Layout

An advantage of the self service frozen yogurt industry is that the customer provides the labor in regards to preparing their bowl. This means that in comparison to other concepts that have the employees behind a counter preparing dishes and bowls for customers, self service frozen yogurt concepts such as Menchie’s Frozen Yogurt stores require far less labor to operate. Fewer employee hours required to operate a store translates to a lower payroll. Lower payroll … Read entire article »
Filed under: Franchises
Menchie’s Frozen Yogurt Franchise Business Branding Philosophy

Are you curious about the Frozen Yogurt Franchise Industry in regards to investing in one either by purchasing an existing location or building a new one? Here is information with editorial commentary on one of the frozen yogurt franchise brands known as Menchie’s frozen yogurt. In business there are two types of products on the market, the commoditized product that is traded primarily on lowest price and wide availability, and the premium product traded at premium … Read entire article »
Filed under: Franchises
Basics about Franchising, Is It Right For You & Choosing the Right Franchise to Invest In

A lot goes into deciding which franchise business is the right one to invest in. One large ‘if’ is if a Franchise business is even the right type of business to start or invest in for you. A lot foes into the decision, and here are some items for you to consider when deciding which, if any, franchise business is the right one for you. The video below contains a brief discussion of franchise businesses, and … Read entire article »
Filed under: Franchises
Rent A Grandma Franchise Question and Answer with Todd Pliss

Todd Pliss, the Franchisor of Rent A Grandma was kind enough to answer some question about the business just before the episode of Shark Tank featuring him and his business was due to air on ABC. Just Elementary: Rent A Grandma has been written up in articles from the Christian Science Monitor, ABC News, Entrepreneur Magazine, Hispanic Business, to NPR. How has the publicity from them benefitted the business? Were there any surprises to people’s reactions from those … Read entire article »
Filed under: Franchises
Franchising: CNBC’s ‘Inside’ Look at it

CNBC just broadcast a show highlighting five Franchise Brands. The official title is ‘Behind The Counter: The Untold Story of Franchising.’ The show had three story lines. One was about Franchisors doing a good job of growing and maintaining a brand (Proctor & Gamble and Five Guys), … Read entire article »
Filed under: Business Tips, Featured, Franchises, SBA, Uncategorized