Just Elementary, Inc. » Entries tagged with "Franchisor"
Investing in a new franchise business – The Process & Challenges including Site Selection

Choosing to invest in a franchise business by opening new units is a different process from buying existing franchise units. There are greater upsides to opening new units, but with that comes greater risk. Your appetite for risk isn’t the only factor to consider when deciding between buying an existing franchise unit or opening a new. The other factor to consider is immediate cash flow. Know that opening a new franchise unit means accepting the … Read entire article »
Filed under: Franchises
Preparing to Sell a Franchise Business

Preparing to sell a business involves many steps. General Exit Strategy topics are covered in other articles on the website. This post will discuss the specifics of Selling a Franchise Business. To sell a business requires many steps and events to occur. With so many points to cover in a business sale transaction, it’s important to note that any one item can unravel a transaction and leave a business seller alone at the altar. Preparing … Read entire article »
Filed under: Franchises
Ramifications of Round Table Pizza’s filed Bankruptcy, What to expect based on lessons learned from past franchisors who filed for Bankruptcy

You may have heard that Round Table Pizza, the Franchisor, has recently filed for bankruptcy. What does this mean for the brand, franchisees and it’s customers? In looking back at past situations that share similaraties, it is not all dire news. Two such examples are Schlotzsky’s in 2004 and Togo’s from around the same time. Schlotzsky’s was a publicly listed company when it filed for bankruptcy in August of 2004. After changing hands a couple of … Read entire article »
Filed under: Business Tips, Franchises
Tale of a Closed Round Table Pizza

Franchises aren’t all fun and games and wild beyond imagination riches. The road to financial freedom and family happiness is littered with former franchisees who have lost everything, or at the very least lost something, like the following tale of the owner of a North Orange County Round Table Pizza. This particular Round Table unit was open many years and was a popular fixture in the community. The longtime owner had decided to sell after many … Read entire article »
Filed under: Business Tips, Franchises
Failed Franchises Measured by SBA Loan Failure Rates

Sounds like strong language. Thanks to our friends at thefranchisehound.com we have a list of SBA Loan Failure Rates for loans doled out to franchised businesses. An important disclaimer is that the list is not the actual failure rates of franchisees for a the listed franchises, it is only a list of SBA Loans gone bad that were given to franchisees of the franchises. Note that even 3 of 14 SBA loans to McDonald’s franchisees … Read entire article »
Filed under: Franchises, SBA
West Coast Franchise Expo Begins today
For those of you who have never attended and are not familiar, the West Coast Franchise Expo kicks off today in Downtown Los Angeles at the Convention Center. The West Coast Franchise Expo features many franchise brands that are looking to sign up new franchisees. … Read entire article »
Filed under: Business Tips, Franchises