Just Elementary, Inc. » Entries tagged with "laundromat"
4 Reasons to Buy A Laundromat.

Without further ado, here are the commonly bandied around reasons why laundromats seem like great investments. 1. Passive Income 2. The Business Offers a Valuable Service for the Neighborhood that you can take pride in providing 3. Flexible Hours 4. Simple Cash Business You just got back from that Robert Kiyosaki, Donald Trump, T. Harv Eker seminar and you are pumped to get some passive income. Yes, and Laundromats may have come up as a source of passive income. So … Read entire article »
Filed under: Business Tips
Who Pays Sales Tax on FF&E for a Bulk Sale Escrow

When buying and selling a business in California, there is the not so little matter of paying sales tax. Yes, sales tax when buying a business, just like you would pay sales tax on a pair jeans at the department store. The theory is that when you are buying a business, you are not just buying the Goodwill, but you are also buying tangible equipment critical in the operation of the business. That tangible property … Read entire article »
Filed under: Business Tips, Due Diligence