Just Elementary, Inc. » Entries tagged with "Lease Assignment"
Is your short lease term affecting the sale of your business

If you are planning on retiring or leaving your business soon, having just a short time remaining on your lease can give you a feeling of freedom, since you see the light at the end of tunnel. However, what about selling your business to a buyer? Will having very little lease term remaining be an issue? Yes, in most situations it will be an issue. For a buyer to complete the purchase of a business, … Read entire article »
Filed under: Business Tips, Commercial Leasing
What to Negotiate in your Commercial Lease BEFORE you open your business

The success of a business depends on many factors, including the terms of the premises lease. This post is a discussion of seven of the many important items to negotiate in a business lease before signing it and opening the doors for your business. The Lease Rate Below Fair Market Lease Rate If you are able to negotiate a below fair market lease rate then you are in good shape, as it gives you a great leg up … Read entire article »
Filed under: Commercial Leasing, Negotiation
Negotiating Retail Lease Terms – Base Rate, Lease Indexing, CAM, NNN, Personal Guaranty, Lease Assignment

When it comes to negotiating a retail lease, it is important to consider all of the terms and the entire lease. In this blog post, we will focus on a few of Lease Terms that are important to negotiate The Base Rate in Gross Lease Versus a Net Lease NNN & CAM Charges Lease Indexing: Fixed versus Variable Personal Guaranty Clause Lease Assignment Clause Here is a presentation by Commercial Business Broker Pramod Patel discussing the terms listed above. Gross versus Net … Read entire article »
Filed under: Commercial Leasing, Negotiation
Negotiating the Personal Guaranty Clause for Retail Commercial Leases

What to do about a Personal Guaranty in a Retail Commercial Lease If you are attempting to lease a retail commercial space, one of the the numerous things to negotiate is the tricky subject of the personal guaranty. It is tricky because property owners have justification for asking for a Personal Guaranty. Naturally, a lessee (tenant) would prefer not offer a Personal Guaranty. In this post, we’ll discuss some of the things that can be negotiated … Read entire article »
Filed under: Commercial Leasing, Negotiation
Books & Records and Your Lease Two Factors That Impact the Attractiveness of Your Business to Potential Buyers

Two Tips to Sell Your Business Easier for a a Higher Price In most cases, there will come a time when the timing will be right to sell the business. To maximize the value of your business, you will want attract as many qualified buyers as possible. What are the things you can do to make your business as attractive as possible to maximize your buyer pool? Here are two topics that we’ll address in this post: #1. … Read entire article »
Filed under: Business Tips, Commercial Leasing, Selling A Business
Negotiating Lease Assignment Clauses for the Sale of a Business

An often overlooked and under-negotiated clause in any commercial lease is the lease assignment clause. No matter how long your lease is, and how long you plan to maintain ownership of the business, you need to negotiate a good lease assignment clause for proper exit strategy planning. What are some common things to consider in a lease assignment clause? Lease Assignment Fee Landlords will usually write into leases a fee for their time and consideration of your request … Read entire article »
Filed under: Commercial Leasing, Landlord, Negotiation, Selling A Business