Just Elementary, Inc. » Entries tagged with "Non Compete Covenant"
What a Small Business can do to Prevent Employee Problems (Hiring, Wages, Overtime, and Workplace Policies)

A key ingredient of success for a small business owner are the quality and productivity of the employees. Also, it is important to make sure that employees do not become a drain on the resources of a business, in terms of lost productivity and distraction for the executive staff. Of course, as a business owner, you are where the buck stops with properly hiring, training and motivating (managing) your employees. In this article, we will … Read entire article »
Filed under: Business Tips
Non Compete Covenants in the Sale of a Business

During the course of negotiating a purchase and sale contract for a business, Non-Compete Covenants need to be addressed. Just for reference, Non-Compete Covenants are also referred to as Covenants Not To Compete. Let’s get down to it. What is a Non-Compete Covenant? In the case of the sale of a business, it is contractual covenant that dictates that the selling party will not compete against the buying party by opening or partnering in a competitive business. … Read entire article »
Filed under: Due Diligence, Selling A Business
1031 Exchange for A Business?

Business owners often ask us, and the answer is Yes, a 1031 exchange for a business is possible. The reason business owners ask if it is possible, is they often want to exchange a business for an investment property. But, they are very rare to pull off for many reasons. However, the exchange must be like kind, so business assets can not be exchanged for an Industrial property, or any other real property for that matter. Businesses … Read entire article »
Filed under: Business Tips