Just Elementary, Inc. » Entries tagged with "Sale of A Business"
Is your short lease term affecting the sale of your business

If you are planning on retiring or leaving your business soon, having just a short time remaining on your lease can give you a feeling of freedom, since you see the light at the end of tunnel. However, what about selling your business to a buyer? Will having very little lease term remaining be an issue? Yes, in most situations it will be an issue. For a buyer to complete the purchase of a business, … Read entire article »
Filed under: Business Tips, Commercial Leasing
Negotiating Lease Assignment Clauses for the Sale of a Business

An often overlooked and under-negotiated clause in any commercial lease is the lease assignment clause. No matter how long your lease is, and how long you plan to maintain ownership of the business, you need to negotiate a good lease assignment clause for proper exit strategy planning. What are some common things to consider in a lease assignment clause? Lease Assignment Fee Landlords will usually write into leases a fee for their time and consideration of your request … Read entire article »
Filed under: Commercial Leasing, Landlord, Negotiation, Selling A Business