Just Elementary, Inc. » Entries tagged with "valuation"
Q&A with Jeff Stroope of Hyconn LLC from ABC’s Shark Tank

Jeff Stroope of HyConn LLC: was kind enough to take the time to answer a few questions about his experience on the Shark Tank from Last Season. We see that he gets a verbal deal on the set with Mark Cuban, but the million dollar question is if he actually finalized a partnership buyout with Mark Cuban after all was said and done: Q: How long was the time you actually spent on the set with the Sharks … Read entire article »
Filed under: Business Opportunity For Sale
Negotiation Clinic by Lori Greiner on ABC’s Shark Tank

The final segment of Shark Tank had one of the the most interesting negotiation session in Shark Tank History. It had Lori Greiner at her Negotiating Best. Rick Hopper of ReadeREST, which you can find on Amazon. ReadeREST is strong stainless steel clip that sticks to a shirt because a backing strip featuring neodynium magnets. Hopper was asking for $1,000,000 Valuation ($150,000 for 15% equity) The ReadeREST product demonstrated really well, as Hopper intentionally fell … Read entire article »
Filed under: Business Tips, Business Valuation, Negotiation
Shark Tank Keeping Your Cool During Negotiation

Last up in the Shark Tank was Donny McCall of Invisa-A-Rack (@InvisARack). Invisa-A-Rack is an innovative product that is used on pickup trucks to help organize and haul additional cargo. You can find Invisa-A-Rack on Amazon. The genius of the product is that the racks can fold away and be out of sight, letting the truck not look like a cargo vehicle when desired in less than a minute. This is a product that makes a lot … Read entire article »
Filed under: Business Tips, Negotiation
Occupancy Costs, Should you Move your B2B Business?

For a B2B business, such as a manufacturing, distribution or service business, Occupancy Cost is the total periodic expense incurred for the right to occupy the physical real estate it occupies. Occupancy Cost is commonly referred to as ‘Rent.’ Rent is more than just the base rent, it also includes all of the NNN/CAM charges that go along with it. See our post on NNN/CAM charges for a greater explanation of these additional expenses. However, there … Read entire article »
Filed under: Business Tips, Commercial Leasing
Business Valuation Too High Using Wrong Methodologies

Many a client we have come across has a business valuation in their hands that is much higher than reality dictates. The reason for this is multi-faceted. Let’s start with unscrupulous M&A sounding firms who claim to be able to sell businesses for outrageous multiples based on future earnings. Often, these types of firms put on slick presentations and claim to have sold many businesses for great premiums. … Read entire article »
Filed under: Business Valuation, Featured
How You Benefit from a Small Business Valuation

It is a simple question: Why should I get a valuation for my business, especially if I am not planning on selling business anytime soon? As business intermediaries, we can tell you why. Reason #1 to Get a Broker’s Opinion of Value: Checkup for your business One good reason to get a Broker Opinion of Value (BOV) from an experienced business broker is to help you find out where you are losing value in your business. In our experience, we … Read entire article »
Filed under: Business Valuation
Factors that Effect the Value of a Business

Factors Affecting the Value of a Business Lease & Occupancy Cost In the cases of businesses operating on a lease, the lease terms are key to affecting the contribution of value to the business. For retail business that are not footloose, a long term is key to positive value. For example, with a coin laundry, the lease needs to be typically, 20 years or more in length. Long term leases are important with most retail businesses. In … Read entire article »
Filed under: Business Tips, Business Valuation, Uncategorized
Business Valuations, Where is the Value?

If you poll business owners about how much their business is worth, you will get a broad range of answers. Ascertaining the actual value of a business is not a simple matter. The first step is to determine the type of value being analyzed. Are we talking about Resale Value, Liquidation Value, Merger/Acquisition Value, Book Value, Divorce Sale Value, etc. All of these situations present different circumstances, which lead to different valuations. Merger/Acquisition Value The Merger/Acquisition (M&A) value … Read entire article »
Filed under: Business Valuation